It was the very first solo show in Lithuanian port city Klaipėda after the big come back to Lithuania from Paris and Copenhagen (the cities where I had totally spent 10 years of my life and creation work). This exhibition was a broad overview of my landscape painting beginning with 2012 to the newest artworks. The main themes of this solo show were 5 Lithuanian Regions and Finland.
Mass media about this exhibition: “Mykolės tapybos parodos “Gamtovaizdis” kodas – erdvė”
Klaipėda: “Klaipėdoje – Mykolės tapybos paroda „Gamtovaizdis”
Klaipėda: “Klaipėdos parodų rūmuose – trys šiuolaikinio meno vernisažai”
Klaipėda: “Kultūros sostinė atsisveikina parodų fejerverku”